Some of the most exquisite dishes in Japan involve having fish served as fresh as possible, even if that involves great pain for the poor animals to be cut and served while they are still alive. The most skilled cooks have to master certain techniques in order to satisfy this cultural caprice. That is cruelty. And part of the tradition of some cultures...
But how can anybody change something that is deeply rooted in people's minds as being something natural, established, conventional, ancestral? I believe that these people do not try to hide or disguise their cruelty under the "traditional" tag. I think they do not even perceive it as cruelty. To them, it really IS tradition, something they identify themselves with. Bullfighting (as pointed out by Benjamina and ecila) is just one example of such human cruelty. One way could be to try and change the perspective, as this video tries to: to force the mind to imagine something (in theory) equally possible but just as cruel and absurd.
Some of my other favourite finalists are: Yana Ahmetshina, Talena Jones, Eduardo Tavares
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