If you happen to be anywhere near Cologne (Germany) in November, make sure to check out the Urban Media Festival: International crews made up of young media talents from France, UK, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain will develop statements on urban life together with their Cologne hosts. Watch, discuss, join and grab some ideas: From November 25th to 29th, the Urban Media Lounge at Alte Feuerwache Cologne will open doors for all young media afficionados. Starting from 14:00 CET, urban Gemütlichkeit will be re-defined here on a daily base. With snacks, drinks, workshops and exhibitions. And on Sunday, the „Film Makers‘ Coffee Circle“ invites movie makers and cineastes to cake, talk and freshly pressed video productions. From workshops on After Effects and digital graffiti to light tagging and sound design: There's a little bit of everything for everyone!
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