Friday, January 8, 2010


2010 is here and somehow, although it's arrival was no surprise, it has caught me unprepared once again: I don't have any resultions. In fact, the only thing that came to my mind was that I should try and give myself a neat manicure on a regular basis. This resolution is as relevant to my life right now as it was difficult to come up with it.

On the other hand when we played a funny game at the New Year's party (which consisted in being randomly assigned someone else's resolution) I received "to visit three countries with my better half". No comment on that.

It's gonna be an interesting year. At least I'll have pretty nails.


Nayara said...

I like your text! Happy new year and good luck with your resolution.

jellyfish said...

Thank you Nayara! Actually I am trying to find a couple of more serious and realistic resolutions, haha!

However, I can say this year started quite well for me. I hope it was the same for you: I wish you all the best in 2010!