Puma has partnered with The Fuse Project to completely redesign the packaging for their shoes. They came to the solution of foregoing a box altogether, and instead used a special bag and a foldable cardboard sheet. This is quite innovative and has several advantages:
- the packaging uses 65% less cardboard than the standard shoe box, has no laminated printing, no tissue paper
- the special bag is made of non-woven polyester consisting of recycled PET, and eventually is also recyclable.
- the special bag has a handle and can also be used to carry the shoes, hence replacing the traditional plastic shopping bag
- this type of "box" takes up less space and weighs less in shipping, which means that a larger amount of "boxes" can be transported at once (economical). It also means that they can be stacked and stored more convenient in the shops who order them.
Puma claims that this new design will save about 8,500 tons of paper, 20 million Mega joules of electricity, 1 million litres of fuel oil, 1 million litres of water and 500,000 litres of diesel.
via PSFK
Others should follow the example :-)
So simple and clean, yet so great!
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