The anticipation of two wonderful weeks in the U.S. catapults my work motivation on levels so high, I never thought they existed!
It will be my first time in the U.S.: a real adventure. More than anything, it's an opportunity to meet new people and allow myself to be permeated by their ideas and enthusiasm. There is no greater energy for me than that of other people. It will also be a time where I'll work on the project closest to my interest.
And it's the promise of a turning point in my way of thinking, an opportunity to perceive life differently. What will happen after I return? Will I have recovered my confidence in myself and the passion to keep me motivated? Will I come back less resentful, more understanding and at peace?
It almost feels like planning one of those spiritual journeys, where one undergoes purification and returns completely changed. Haha, it's actually nothing like that, and it involves intensive work and developing group dynamics. But most importantly, it's two weeks devoid of any of the harmful factors that usually consume and influence me on a regular basis. It's a blank new piece of paper for my own self to express itself on neutral grounds.
I wonder what I'll feel like when I am going to read this post after I return. May my hopes and expectations be fulfilled.
photos by Aegea
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