Monday, September 6, 2010

your duty

RT @reese: "You have a duty to your potential as a human being. The world craves what you have to offer it."

I really love the first part of this statement. It has (at least to me) a strong motivational quality. Anything else would be irresponsibly making a mock of yourself, it would irreversibly lead to old age filled with bitterness and regret.

But I disagree with the second part of the tweet. Frankly, the world doesn't give a s***. The only person you have to impress, you have to like, love, to come to terms with is you yourself. What "the world" may or may not do does not lie in your power and is therefore irrelevant.

Never do anything because anybody wants or expects you to. But it IS your resonsibility to yourself to try your best in everything you are doing now.


Guill said...

Kind of disagree more with the first part of the RT. There is absolutely no duty. But yes, the world craves what you have to offer to it. Not the world as people, but as nature. It's the basis of everyone, of nature: well-being, creation. The nature, the energy, whatever you call it is waiting for this expansion.

I don't believe that you have to impress yourself either. There's no point in doing that. You just have to know and trust that you are good, lovable, trustable, learning and doing the right things at the times things 'happen' (or to be more true, when you make them happen). No need to doubt about that, no need to impress or to prove yourself.

So yah don't do anything because anybody wants or expects you to, but just because YOU want it, YOU feel right about it, it talks to YOUR inner self and it makes you feel good. But it's definitely not a responsibility.

"In the World to come each of us will be called to account for all the good things that were put on this Earth which we refused to enjoy."
A bit biblical, but the point is here.

jellyfish said...

Thanks so much for your comment! I think you are right as well, maybe it's a matter of perspective.

I like to call it a responsibility/duty, because we need to take this seriously and be aware of it. And I do not believe that all of us are good, lovable, trustable (some are, some become, others never will be). It is a process and we can't afford to abandon it :)