Saturday, December 4, 2010

berlin in winter by night

Below I am sharing some (few) pictures of Berlin by night. It was about the same time in November two years ago, that I visited the city for the first time. And although at that point I had no time to explore the city, I tried to make up for that this year. Unfortunatelly, I had the nastiest cold, was running around with the dizziest and heaviest head I could imagine and was not really in the mood to take pictures, which is why I don't have a big selection and not even enough to show all of Berlin's faces I've seen.

If I were to describe Berlin with three words it would be: relaxed, young, international. And it would still not describe it entirely. It is artsy, modern, funny, alive. Personally, I also recognized some familiar cues, like wide open spaces and boulevards, old-school tall buildings, the subway interior, all of which made me feel comfortable. Last but not least, I love Berlin in winter, in lights, in snow (a little bit) and in the sweet scent of mulled wine and caramelized nuts.