...quite pretentious some might say, but I enjoyed it very much. Slow, but I didn't find it boring at all... there was something so harmonious about the pace that kept me in suspense. The losely-coherent narrative and the cliché quotes and one-liners make it quite unpopular with some audiences. But if you manage to get rid of preconceptions and like experimental or surreal plots, you might like this film. As for Doyle...he is just amazing!

I think this movie is about a person's decision to defy the control of a disillusioning societal clockwork, but to remain true to the illusory values of the bohemian/artistic way of life. The repetition of the "La vida no vale nada"-motif is a reminder of an existential fear and struggle with meaninglessness throughout life. This is however part of the chosen path and, in this sense, rewarding, since it enables one to experience beyond the surface.
"The Limits of Control" is a defiance of boundaries and limits of all kind, and it is this way that Jarmusch defies the rules of the film making industry. And the expectancies of the audiences. "How did you get in here? - I used my imagination". You see? The imagination is his secret weapon. Imagination is limitless.
"The best films are like dreams you're never really sure you've had"
Thanks for the tip, will check it :)
This has nothing to do with the movie but I thought of it when I read your "about me" section
"I know who I am. No one else knows who I am. If I was a giraffe, and someone said I was a snake, I'd think, no, actually I'm a giraffe."Richard Gere
that is sooo funny! very very good!
as for the movie: i have to warn you, most people i know were very skeptical about it and considered it boring and artsy...i liked it, but it's probably because of my idealistic interpretation :)
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