Saturday, November 21, 2009

ida's bad luck

The Saturday Morning Cartoon Index is a wonderful collection of animated short movies. Since it is saturday morning ;) I am going to share some of my favourites with you and I will try to do so each saturday!

Even though Halloween is over, I would like to share Katy Towell's "Ida's Luck", a story about a mysterious little girl. And while I can't say the animation style blows me away, I have to admit that the narrative is excellent.

Part 1:

Part 2:


ecila said...

I felt sad but liked it. Poor little misunderstood Ida, wandering the world all alone...

jellyfish said...

Yes, pretty sad, but she has a good heart despite everything and that's positive. And it teaches one that people tend to be shallow and that is why they overlook what is essential. Lucky for us, Ida is strong and is not shaken by the evil. Neither the one of the monster world, nor the one of the human world.